4/14/2020 Virtual Zoom Meeting with Jon Horn

I hope this email finds everyone safe and enjoying some great fishing.

Since we are unable to have one of our regular meetings, we have decided to

Have a virtual meeting instead. Our own  Jon Horn will be doing a presentation on

The Driftless fishing in Wisconsin. Jon has spent several summers traveling to the

streams of Wisconsin and will provide some great insight. As much as we would like to

Have a virtual social hour we will need to allow that for a future time.

The presentation will start about 7PM and we will be using Zoom to allow everyone to join.

How you do this is pretty straight forward.

You will need a PC, Smart Phone, Laptop, IPAD or MacBook.

Make sure your devices has sound capability and video if you want to let people see you when asking questions.

Erica will be moderating to allow people to ask questions as the presentation moves along.

Click on this link: https://osu.zoom.us/j/290282314

You will be prompted to download an app from the Zoom site or Google Play.

Depending on your device and browser the download procedure will vary. You might want to try this in advance to insure everything works.

After you download the app and run it you will be prompted for a meeting ID. Just click on the meeting id drop down.

You should see the COFF DRIFTLESS presentation. Click on it.

Then type your name.

And join the meeting.

Unfortunately we won’t be able to off much assistance if you run into problems since we are not Zoom Gurus.

If you do run into an issue here are some useful links:



We are not limiting this to just COFF Members. Anyone can join (up to about 250 people) .

If you lose this email the links are on our Facebook page and website.

Mad River Access and Thank You from ODNR

COFF recently received a thank-you letter from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) for making a contribution toward the purchase of 1.2 acres along the Mad River. This land is adjacent to existing Division of Wildlife-owned property along the river, near the intersection of state Routes 29 and 296, just north of Urbana. 

Read more about this purchase in the Urbana Daily Citizen: https://www.urbanacitizen.com/…/where-mad-river-meets-kings…